Monday, September 10, 2012

If Cliffard were a real dog, he would be a Saint!

As far back as I can remember, I have loved big dogs!  I think many things go back to when you were a child.  I love books and hold many of my childhood books close to my heart.  The first Clifford book I ever read, I feel in love and have carried this love, joy, and fascination for large dogs my entire life.

 It was not until my 20’s I meet my first Clifford, a Saint Bernard.  He owned a family that lived down the street.  The youngest boy walked the dog, and he learned to walk slowly by my house or I would chase him down the street to love on his Saint. 

The second Saint Bernard I remember must have been sent from God.  My dad sick with cancer was taken radiation 5 times a week.  Mom and I took turns taking him to his appointments.  I showed up, and my dad was especially weak that day.  I had to get a wheel chair because he was not strong enough to walk.  This radiation center was large, being right close to the hospital and had automatic doors that opened.  My dad and I enter this sad somber room.  I signed my dad in and wheeled him to a empty chair close by the doors.  I look up and in walks a 200lb Saint Bernard!   No leash, no owner drool running out both sides of his mouth.  He walked around that room and put his head in everyone’s lap.  The nurses came running out and put him outside.  He kept stepping on the door and walking back in.  Everyone in that doctor office that day forgot why they were there.  They forgot they were sick.  For a instance, that room was full of laughter and joy.  This Old Saint, managed to bring a smile to everyone’s face.  After many attempts to put the dog outside, I told the nurse I would take care of the dog.  I found some shade and tied him to a light post with a water bowl that I kept in my car.  I called the human society because the dog had no id, just his rabies tag.  They said they would come pick him up and see if they could find his owner.  After the appointment my daddy loved on the Saint before we left.  He said, “Dixie, if I were not so sick that dog would come home to live with me!”  I took him home and we all had a good laugh when we shared our store with mom.  I went back to pick up my things, to find the Saint still tied to the light post.  I called the city again and they had an emergency and could not pick him up.  With no option, I decide to load him up in my car and take him.  Well, this was much easier said than done.  He would NOT get in the car.  After pushing and pulling, trying to pick him up he was not budging.  This is the Saints true personality!  I put the top down, pushed the front seat up and walked through the back of my car and he followed me!  He took up my entire back seat with no room to spare.  I remember sitting at the red light at 85 & 138 when he stood up.  I indeed felt like I had Clifford in my back seat!  I took him to see my dad, and then onto the pound.  When I pulled into the city pound, I did not want to let this Saint go.  I inquired about adopting if the owner was not found.  But at the moment, a frantic nurse called looking for her Saint!   I was happy he found his owner, but was sad she did not come home with me. 

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