Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Saints have an amazing nose!

Cassidy and her amazing nose. 
Cassidy had became very inquisitive in regards to the food that we eat.  Her first experience with steak I think showed us it was her favorite.  She would do anything for a piece of steak.  It was Winter one year and we wanted to give her a bath.  We could not get her in the bath tub.  While this had not been a problem in the past, as usually in Florida it is warm enough outside to bath the dog.  But this year was a very a odd cold winter.  We decide to cook a steak and use some to get her in the bath tub.  While the steak did work, it was a horrible experience.  She completely freaked out, and while she did get a bath, along with both of us and the entire bathroom!  She was kicking and trying to run in the bathtub when standing up.  She took a few hard falls that truly scared me.  I was so scared she was going to break a hip before we could get her out of the bathtub.  In the end, we never tried that again!  Like I said before, she is spooked easily and by many things.  Something she was able to get thought, others were so horrible we never tried again!  We found a groomer that would allow us to come in and bath her.  Why not just let someone do it for you?  I had a bad experience with my Golden long ago.  I am not sure what happen that day at the groomers, but I did not feel good about it and  I have not left my dog at a groomer since then.  So, for $12 we could use their tubs, shampoo, conditioner, tables, dryers and towels.  What a great deal.  I allowed them to groom her once while I was there with her.  They were almost done and Cassidy jumped off the table.  They wanted me to put her back on the table so they could finish.  I told them she was done and she looked fine.  The lady that was grooming her got a huge lick across the face before she jump down.  The lady told me what a sweet dog she was and it was obvious to her she had a good home. 
Cassidy was really taken with pizza as well.  All we ever feed her was a little crust with light sauce with cheese, but she loved it.  She would get excited when Mike cooked Pizza and knew what it was before she seen it.  One day we were hanging out in the front yard with my neighbors.  My neighbors dog was a fat black lab that was taken with Cassidy.  They loved each other and even had spend the night parties sometimes.  All of the sudden, a car passed, and Cassidy took off after the car.  The guy pulled up the curb a few house up.  He jumped out with a large pizza and headed to my neighbors front door.  All of the sudden here comes this huge Saint chasing him down, wagging her tail.  Thank God the guy was not scared of Cassidy.  He put the pizza high in the air as Cassidy followed him up to the front door.  We all went running to get her, but all laughed when we figured out why she chased the car.  She had pizza for the first time the night before.  In the end my neighbor received his pizza safe, Cassidy had some loving and we had a good laugh.  She never did chase a car after that.  It was the pizza she was chasing, not the car. 

Saints spook easy!

Saints spook easy!

Our first week with Cassidy had been great!  She has anxiety that is obviously coming from be given up.  Even thought she doesn't completely trust us yet, she likes us. 

We decide to take her to McDonald's in Madeira Beach.  It is right on the water with the large floating dock.  They have a large deck overlooking the water, so we decide it would be a nice place for dinner.  Cassidy had obviously never had human food.  Her first hamburger was a true treat!

I know many of you are thinking, you should not feed your dog human food.  Well, that is fine if that is what you believe, but I find no harm if done in moderation's.  Cassidy enjoyed food so much, that if anything I would go back and feed her more steak or anything else the sweet girl wanted. 

So, after our dinner and a bowl of ice water we wanted to take Cassidy walking on the floating dock.  Saints are known for their nose and how great they are at picking up scents. Barry is the most famous dog, digging out someone buried 25' under snow after an avalanche.  They would search them out, dig them up, carry Brandy to warm them and lay next to them to keep them warm until rescue arrived.  All that being said, what I learned after several experiences that when the ground moves or vibrates, she gets the hell out of there! 

When we walk down the ramp to the floating dock Casssidy froze!  She would not go anywhere and sat down.  After 15 minutes of talking to her, she bravely got up and followed me down the dock with Mike following Cassidy.  The dock is long, about 150'.  As we got to the end, I stop to look at the fish and admire the beautiful colors in the sky.  Not evening thinking, before I could do anything Cassidy walked off the end of the dock into the water! 

Poor Cassidy in one week was given up by her owner, adopted, and now walked off the end of the dock.  We were not sure if she could swim!  All dogs know how to dog paddle right?  Mike was  kicking off his shoes ready to jump in when a few feet under the water we could see her!  Eyes bigger than I have ever seen, feet kicking as fast as they could.  Thanks goodness.  We guess the water to be around 17' at the end of the dock!  Luckily the tides were calm.  We had to lay down and pull her up on the dock!  If she was 125 lbs before she went in the water, how much dose she weight now?  We pulled her front two paws up onto the dock, and had to take a breather.  We got her up on the dock and all of us were completely soaked.  We had not plan to swim so we had no towels.  Thank goodness it was a short drive home! 

I learn through  the years Cassidy was scared of many things.  Some she dealt with, some she did not.  In the end, we would have to pick her up and carry her where ever we needed her to go.  You however, could not let her know you were about to pick her up.  She would drop and roll over with her feet in the air.  She was like, haha, try to lift me now!  I have been late to work on a few times due to her drop and roll trick.  I had to walk her earlier to ensure this did not happen. 

So having a Saint Bernard is truly a cross between a horse and a dog...  I just love the breed.  They are trul unique.  A love of a Saint is like no other love...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Our first shopping trip

Our first shopping trip

On our way home from SPCA we took a trip to Pet Smart.  I had looked at beds but wanted to bring her to pick out the right size.  There is one thing that is true with my Saint Bernard and VW Buses, you are sure to draw attention where ever you go! 
Entering the store with a Saint Bernard was defiantly a cool experience.  In the front of the store they had a statue of a Saint with the barrel collecting money for the SPCA.  I thought that was quiet funny as we had just left the SPCA and Cassidy was the only Saint they have ever had at that location.  I could not pass it without putting money in it from there on out.

The first thing we had to find was WATER!  With a Saint they are always thirsty.  They can drink a gallon of water in one sitting!  Pet Smart has water bowls right by the bathrooms under the water fountain.  This is always our first and last stop at Pet Smart.

We put each bed on the floor as she looked up with those big beautiful brown eyes, head cocked sideways and quit confessed.  There was not one bed that was large enough for Cassidy!  Making a joke I put a xtra small bed next to her, which shows her sheer size.  We started laughing & our laughs were not alone.  I turn around to find a few girls at the vet center laughing as well.  Like I said, she would always draw attention!  In the end we bought the largest bed we could find.  She ended up having a mattress on an entire wall in my living room.  It was the only thing I could find that she could stretch out on, and I did not want those precious hips lying on the hard floor. 

Next, food bowls and water bowls.  We had to find a bowl big enough to fit her snout in and still be able to breath.  Also the bowls had to be lifted up because a large dog eating or drinking at floor level was bad for their health.  Two kinds of brushes, as she has an undercoat.  A collar was another difficult thing.  I have to tell you Pet Smart is better now.  Our only choose was a large thick black collar.  They had ones with spikes like you put on a pit bull.  That would never be okay for a sweet Cassidy.  We ended up with the thick black collar.

Everything packed into the Jeep and headed home.  Time for Cassidy to see her new home, meet the neighbors and her brother Otis. 

Otis, my cat is my first born son.  When we arrived home, Cassidy walked in the door and Otis was laying on the arm of the couch.  Cassidy smelled the cat and covered his entire body with her snout.  Cassidy then looked Otis directly in the eyes only inches from his face.  Otis pulled back his arm with claws exposed ready to pounce on Cassidy, but when he looked into her eyes all he seen was love.  Otis laid back down and they checked each other out. 

Otis learned quickly when Cassidy walked into the room, to get high or under something so he did not get stepped on.  Cassidy also showed the same respect to Otis.  Otis would fall asleep in the middle of Cassidy’s bed.  She would somehow manage to lay around Otis without disturbing him.  Being a large, clumsy dog, this is a hard thing to do.  Otis would often stick his head in Cassidy’s food bowl.  Cassidy would patiently wait for us to move Otis out of the way.  

Cassidy was full of love.  Her owner had her 3 years and she did not understand what was going on.  When I picked her up from the SPCA, she was still waiting on her owners to pick her up.  She did not understand that had given her up.  While it is bitter sweet what she was going through, I am thankful to have the opportunity to be her new mom.  The previous owners said they lost their house and had to move into an apartment that did not allow such a large animal.  I try not to lay judgment on the ones who gave her up, because you never know until you were in their shoes.  I am sure it was hard from them to give her up. I wished I knew who they were so I could share with them the 10 years that she lived after that.  She was such a joy in my life.  The love of a Saint is like no other love.  I now understand all the crazy people who have come up and loved on my Saint.  With a tear in their eye they always have wonderful stories to tell.  Now it is my turn to be one of the crazy people with a tear in my eye chasing down the Saints.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Saint Bernard in Florida?

I will never forget how Cassidy ended up adopting me.  Mike, being allergic to animals was doing a great job with my cat Otis.  Mike adapted well so I sold him on the idea of adding a dog to the house. 

The day before with excitement I was telling all the girls about my plans to travel to the SPCA to find a rescue dog.   The conversation went something like this.   “What kind of dog do you want Dixie?  Saint Bernard.  Dixie, are you crazy?  It is to hot here!  You cannot have a Saint Bernard in Florida!  Well, I guess you are right, but I sure do love the breed.”   

The next morning at the SPCA, we were walking around looking at all the dogs.  This cute old lady started talking to me.  Without knowing she was interviewing me.  After a conversation, she looked me strait in the eyes and said, “We have a Saint Bernard if you would like to see her.”  She had to stay in the A/C and could not be in with the other dogs.  She opened the door and here sits this huge dog on a couch.  She had perfect markings giving me a sideways curious look.  She was the prettiest dog I had ever seen.  It was love at first sight! 

We were then taken into the mangers office.  She told us how difficult and expensive Saints could be.  She asked us to go to lunch and talk about it.  At lunch there was no discussion on my side.  I could not eat.  I just wanted to go back and adopt her, take her home and love on her!  Mike, thinking more realistic then me, gave me the reasons we should not take her home.  We went back to the SPCA, looked at all the dogs, and walked a few all while my mind was on the big ball of fur laying on the couch in the A/C! 

Needless to say, there was nothing they could say to make me walk away from her.  Unfortunately, they wanted to clean her teeth so we had to wait a few days before we could bring her home. 

I went and bought a book on Saints and started preparing myself for this big bundle of Joy.  While reading I found out the bigger the dog, the shorter her life.  A Saints only lives 7 to 10 years.  She was somewhere around 3, I knew then she was going to break my heart.  When we went to pick her up she limped all the way to the car from being put to sleep for the teeth cleaning.  When we made it to the Jeep we open the door, but she did not jump in.  She had to be lifted into the car.  So when you see me throwing around a 40lb bag of dog food, no I don’t need your help.  If you have a big dog you have to be able to lift a big bag of food  J


If Cliffard were a real dog, he would be a Saint!

As far back as I can remember, I have loved big dogs!  I think many things go back to when you were a child.  I love books and hold many of my childhood books close to my heart.  The first Clifford book I ever read, I feel in love and have carried this love, joy, and fascination for large dogs my entire life.

 It was not until my 20’s I meet my first Clifford, a Saint Bernard.  He owned a family that lived down the street.  The youngest boy walked the dog, and he learned to walk slowly by my house or I would chase him down the street to love on his Saint. 

The second Saint Bernard I remember must have been sent from God.  My dad sick with cancer was taken radiation 5 times a week.  Mom and I took turns taking him to his appointments.  I showed up, and my dad was especially weak that day.  I had to get a wheel chair because he was not strong enough to walk.  This radiation center was large, being right close to the hospital and had automatic doors that opened.  My dad and I enter this sad somber room.  I signed my dad in and wheeled him to a empty chair close by the doors.  I look up and in walks a 200lb Saint Bernard!   No leash, no owner drool running out both sides of his mouth.  He walked around that room and put his head in everyone’s lap.  The nurses came running out and put him outside.  He kept stepping on the door and walking back in.  Everyone in that doctor office that day forgot why they were there.  They forgot they were sick.  For a instance, that room was full of laughter and joy.  This Old Saint, managed to bring a smile to everyone’s face.  After many attempts to put the dog outside, I told the nurse I would take care of the dog.  I found some shade and tied him to a light post with a water bowl that I kept in my car.  I called the human society because the dog had no id, just his rabies tag.  They said they would come pick him up and see if they could find his owner.  After the appointment my daddy loved on the Saint before we left.  He said, “Dixie, if I were not so sick that dog would come home to live with me!”  I took him home and we all had a good laugh when we shared our store with mom.  I went back to pick up my things, to find the Saint still tied to the light post.  I called the city again and they had an emergency and could not pick him up.  With no option, I decide to load him up in my car and take him.  Well, this was much easier said than done.  He would NOT get in the car.  After pushing and pulling, trying to pick him up he was not budging.  This is the Saints true personality!  I put the top down, pushed the front seat up and walked through the back of my car and he followed me!  He took up my entire back seat with no room to spare.  I remember sitting at the red light at 85 & 138 when he stood up.  I indeed felt like I had Clifford in my back seat!  I took him to see my dad, and then onto the pound.  When I pulled into the city pound, I did not want to let this Saint go.  I inquired about adopting if the owner was not found.  But at the moment, a frantic nurse called looking for her Saint!   I was happy he found his owner, but was sad she did not come home with me. 

Hardest day of my life

Today at 9:35am my baby girl passed. I could see a vision in my head as she crossed over the bridge. All her gray hair turned back to brown. Her slow limp became a trout, with her tail wagging and curled way up in an arch, showing how happy she is. You know they say the tail is connected to the heart, and I sure do believe that with Cassidy. From the first time I ever laid eyes on her it was love at first site. Mike, mom and several friends were  like Dixie, really? A Saint Bernard in Florida?
I have so many great stories of our life together. I want to share my stories as a celebration of her life.
The most amazing dog that has ever owned me. Tomorrow we will travel to the vet for the last time. She has lived over 13 years, 10 of the years by my side. I have so many wonderful memories of Cassidy. I want to share my experience of owning a huge, slobber machine. I hope you enjoy my stories, and soon come to understand how I ended up with a Saint Bernard in Florida.
Euthanasia is a kindness and a blessing when a pet is
suffering. I know from several experiences now how sad and hard it is to make
that decision. But it is the only decision we as loving pet owners can make, we
cannot allow our beloved pets to suffer pain for a minute longer than
necessary. And at least there is the chance to say goodbye and hold their paw
and stroke their head as they pass over the Rainbow Bridge as they are
blissfully relieved of their pain on this earth...